Retiring your old air conditioner can be aching not only because it has served you for years but also the finances. Yes, air conditioners are expensive and it’s not as if one can buy a new one hastily. However, it is in one’s best interest to spend on a new AC rather than multiple expenses for an AC repair in Vista.
It may not be noticeable but an older system can cause you elevated power bills and disturb your spending. Estimates say that the US spends about 6% of electricity produced on air conditioners. On the other hand, modern air conditioners are highly efficient and equipped with advanced technology. Hence, consider putting money for an AC replacement as an investment since it will deliver benefits over the long term. Here are a few signs that tell you if your AC is reaching its retirement.
1. Older AC using R-22 Freon
The use of R-22 Freon coolant was highly prevalent in AC’s manufactured 10-15 years ago. It’s important to note that the EPA has decided to phase out the use of this refrigerant on account of an environmental hazard. Hence, Encinitas air conditioning repair companies or any other HVAC company can’t provide R-22 Freon. Your system will have to rely on recycled or stockpiled Freon making the coolant-related repairs difficult. Nonetheless, don’t be frightened if your AC is using this refrigerant. On a safer note, anticipate a replacement if the older AC causes any coolant-related repairs.
2. Frequent calls for AC repair
Despite undertaking routine maintenance, old air conditioners require frequent repairs resulting in considerable expenses. However, lack of maintenance would present the repair scenarios and entail ac repair in Vista. Talk to HVAC technicians as they know the best if you should need AC replacement in near future.
3. Excessive Energy Charges
Everyone anticipates high power bills in the summer season in the backdrop of extra usage of AC. Apart from this, there should not be any reason for increased energy consumption throughout the year. Upon observing excess bills without any added electronics or electrical changes, call the Encinitas air conditioning repair. If the problem persists, ask the technician to examine AC’s power consumption and get it replaced.
4. Air Conditioner at the age of 15 years
The significant attribute for the lifespan of an AC is the regular tune-up or maintenance. Skipping has been implicated in shortening the lifespan of the AC. Naturally, Air Conditions are made to last up to 15 years but most need a replacement earlier. Replace the old conditioner and enjoy the benefits of the new one.
- Modern AC’s are highly efficient and need less energy
- Newer systems can last beyond 20 years
- Rest assured as you get a warranty on a new unit
If these signs convince you of an air conditioner replacement, Precision Air Inc. shall turn out to be the foremost choice. Providing services in Encinitas, Vista, and nearby years, they continue to excel in this domain for the past 30 years. Call at (760) 389-3353 for guidance on choosing an AC that suits you best. Alternatively, reach out at for additional information.